*~* Grunge Watercolor Peace Sign Flowers Feathers T-Shirt

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*~* Grunge Watercolor Peace Sign Flowers Feathers T-Shirt


Woman's white cool girly bohemian t-shirt with a dream catcher peace sign symbol with three daisies flowers and feathers.

  • Floral Boho Grunge splatter watercolor peace symbol peace sign dream catcher with dangling turquoise blue watercolor feathers and pink daisy flowers. " This cool design is hip groovy vintage floral boho grunge south western and tribal with a native american influence. Any hipster would love it. This design is Original Creative Unique and Eye-catching.

My advice to you is to get centered and "feel" the choice of design you want. Go with your gut, it is always right.

======================================================= ~ My name is Anna Rosa and I am an internationally known distance remote energy healer channeling both Reiki healing energy and my own energy healing modality Aurora Mistica (R) since 2001 . All my designs and products are remotely energetically enhanced with sweet calm healing energy. Enjoy the good vibes :) For more great healing energy vibes visit my remote distance healing sites: http://www.reikiwithtrust.com http://auroramisticadistancehealing.com. http://facebook.com/annarosaeverythingenergy Disclaimer: What I do as a distance healer is intended to be a compliment rather than a substitution for medical and psychological services. See a health or psychological professional for your imbalances and complaints.

anna rosa, dream catcher peace sign floral, native american dreamcatcher tribal, pink daisy flower blue feather, turquoise feathers pink flowers, south western peace sign symbol, grunge watercolor splatter cool, white women short sleeve shirt, hipster hip groovy vintage girly
T-Shirt  (CYO)

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