*~* Flight of Freedom Feathers on Black Leggings

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*~* Flight of Freedom Feathers on Black Leggings


Do you ever wish you could just fly? Feathers have always spoken to me. They personally represent freedom and seeing the whole picture, rather than just pieces of this puzzle we call "life". As a remote distance energy healing facilitator channeling Reiki as well as my own modality Aurora Mistica (R), I find it a fun and uplifting to create leggings and other products which I personally would love to own and wear. I also have a life long intention to facilitate healing for anyone who purchases my work. Whether doing Yoga, Pilates, running or simply hanging or stepping out you will find yourself hugged all over by waves of healing energy. These leggings not only look good...they will feel good :) If you are finding yourself attracted to these particular leggings I am sure the energy as well as color vibrations and design are the attraction. Colors have their own unique vibration. We are drawn to whatever vibration(s) we are energetically requiring at the time. Intuitively we are led to the very colors which we need most so that we can achieve a healthy wellness balance. As a distance healer, Anna Rosa, all my designs, including these black leggings with shades of blue feathers, are remotely energetically enhanced with healing energy to help facilitate your life path.

  • The predominant color is black. This means the chakra most requiring your attention would be the root chakra. This chakra is associated with basic survival. If you are attracted to black you might be very stressed and anxious. Grounding is needed. Exercise is one way to ground and wearing a grounding color certainly will help keep us present. Enjoy the good vibes :) For more great healing energy vibes visit my remote distance healing sites: http://www.reikiwithtrust.com http://auroramisticadistancehealing.com. Facebook.com/AnnaRosaEverythingEnergy Disclaimer: What I do as a distance healer is intended to be a compliment rather than a substitution for medical and psychological services. See a health or psychological professional for your imbalances and complaints.

Other women's leggings from various stores