*~* Artsy AP2 Aqua Mandala laminated placemat

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*~* Artsy AP2 Aqua Mandala laminated placemat


(Search AP2 for other Mandala designs and/or items.) Fee free to transfer this design to another Zazzle product.

** MANDALA place mat in mostly PASTEL AQUA BLUE TURQUOISE, and GOLD.

Think chakras as my series has the Chakra Colors alone carry a vibration / frequency in addition to my work.

*Energetically Enhanced / Imbued / Charged Place Mat / Placemat. All my items are gently charged with energy. It you feel soothed or calm, that is likely the true reason.

This design is spiritual , esoteric , metaphysical and new age. There is a Buddhist influence as well. Sacred Geometry is connected to pure form Mandala. It symbolizes balance. There is a strong association with the CHAKRAS. Gold connects to the Solar plexus.

Depending on the timing of this description, I have in the past , and will again, offer a more intense degree of energy to the mat. It is often used by my clients in purifying detoxifying food and liquids. I had a friend in an energy session who placed it under her mattress and she slept much better.

Laminated Placemat  (CYO)

Other table placemats from various stores