** Aromatherapy Eye-catching Essential Oils Business Card

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** Aromatherapy Eye-catching Essential Oils Business Card

  • Aromatherapy Eye-catching Essential Oils Business Card * I have created for you an eye-catching Awesome Aromatherapy Essentials Oils business card. The design elements are visually referencing energy. The image of a hand holding a bottle of essential oils getting ready to pour some on the body. The colors are dark blue and turquoise. There is a mandala present present as well.

This unique yet calming business card design is perfect for independent agents of essential oils or those in the Aromatherapists. Someone involved in aromatherapy as well as massage or body work just might feel drawn to the energy of this card.

This card is 2 sided and ready for you to made it your own. Both sides of the card are highly customizable and, for your convenience, I have also have place holder text to save you lots of time.

NOTE: You can change your credentials to anything you want. All text is customizable. YOU HAVE SO MANY CHOICES: You can choose a different quality of paper and even the corner shape of the card. You can really make this card your very own.

  • Each of remote Reiki distance healer Anna Rosa's designs are infused with a gentle yet noticeable calming good vibe healing energy. My Aromatherapy (or any) business card design not only looks good...but it also "feels" good.

I am Anna Rosa a Usui, Karuna(r), Shamballa & Kundalini Reiki Master as well as having my own registered healing modality Aurora Mistica (R). I also have fun designing for like minded people :)

Business Card

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