*~* AP85 2 Floral Gratitude Manifest ALREADY AM Post-it Notes

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*~* AP85 2 Floral Gratitude Manifest ALREADY AM Post-it Notes


(Search code AP85 for similar items. Feel free to transfer to other Zazzle Products ) ALREADY AM - Floral Design. Originally I created these for myself :) 2 Floral / Flowers botanical letters spelling - "ALREADY AM "or "I ALREADY AM" are so very beautiful , sweet , cute , unique , creative, pretty and powerful making a strong powerful little manifestation tool.

ALREADY AM gratitude Post it notes. - Jot down what you want to Manifest / Create as if you already have it. Mentally think "I already am..."

WRITE DOWN what you are AS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE IT. Think I AM. Edit or remove the text. or... suggestion ..add in your own writing add "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU " to the bottom as gratitude speeds and your intention.

  • Energetically enhanced / imbued / charged MANIFESTATION / LAW OF ATTRACTION / MANIFESTING tool. It is charged by me.. Anna Rosa :)

LAW OF ATTRACTION / MANIFESTATION / MANIFESTING reminder, "ALREADY AM". The words, ALREADY AM is in FLORAL / FLOWER form. There is also a frame of Watercolor pretty flowers. Write down what to have or be AS IF YOU ALREADY HAVE IT.

TURBO CHARGE your manifestation by sticking these everywhere! The fastest way to manifest is to act as if you already have it for example "I already am happy about my healed eyes". Because Gratitude is one of the most powerful energies one can use., add to the bottom Thank you...or TY three time.

This is a very happy FLORAL playful happy joyful vibe design. This is great for lifting up your vibration.

This design serves in self motivation and faith that you have the power to create a wonderful life you will love. The use of affirmations is part of the process so you can structure this healing activity / practice however you desire. The goal is to consciously create the life you would love. Self care and Positivity are crucial to self love and Happiness.

Three steps are

  1. Ask. Decide what you want. Use only positive language. Only speak of what you want to create...not what you don't want.
  2. As the universe gets busy lining things up for you, YOU must BELIEVE that it is truly yours already so little "I AM" or "I ALREADY AM" statements are very helpful.
  3. Receive - know that you deserve it and prepare yourself and other like circumstances to physically receive it. Believing is Seeing :)

"ALREADY AM" plus being grateful with gratitude , will remind you of the LAW of ATTRACTION MANIFESTATION practices.

The intention. of course, is to MANIFEST your INTENTIONS and dreams using the LAW of ATTRACTION along with Affirmations.

Good soothing calming energy is always vital :) Energy Enhanced with good vibes by Anna Rosa.


Every product I (Anna Rosa) designs is subtly charged with healing energy. No matter when or how you interact with my designs you will find yourself hugged all over by waves of sweet healing energy.

This product not only looks good...it will feel real good too 😃

Enjoy the good vibes :)

For more great healing energy vibes visit my remote distance healing sites: http://www.reikiwithtrust.com http://auroramisticadistancehealing.com Facebook.com/annarosaeverythingenergy is my page. Stop on by and visit. Disclaimer: What I do as a distance healer is intended to be a compliment rather than a substitution for medical and psychological services. See a health or psychological professional for your imbalances and complaints.

anna rosa, law of attraction manifest create, happy happiness affirmation affirmations, self care positive thinking positivity, motivational writing scripting trendy, inner healing ask believe receive, beliving believe receive receiving, gratitude thankful thank you manifest, floral flowers pretty beautiful unique, i already am manifesting manifest
Post-It Notes  (CYO)

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